
Authors Translators

Ariel Suhamy

Ariel Suhamy, a graduate of the École normale supérieure (Paris), received his doctorate in philosophy from the École normale Supérieure (Lyon) for a study on “La communication du bien chez Spinoza” (The Communication of the Good in Spinoza). He was the editor of the online journal Captain Doc (CNRS/INIST), on electronic resources, and currently edits the series Vie des idées - Puf. Together with Chantal Jaquet and Pascal Sévérac, he has convened an on-going seminar on Spinoza’s philosophy at the University of Paris I – Sorbonne for fifteen years. His publications include La Communication du bien chez Spinoza (Garnier, 2008), Spinoza pas à pas (Ellipses, 2011) (Spinoza Step by Step); Spinoza par les bêtes (Ollendorff & Desseins), with Alia Daval (Spinoza with Animals); Godescalc, le moine du destin, ou Le procès de la prédestination (Godescalc, the Fated Monk, or the Trial of Predestination), Alma, septembre 2016.

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